Homeopathy works by supporting the body and its natural healing processes. It considers that when we are out of balance, then our body will produce symptoms as a way of letting us know.

At this time of year we review, look forward and notice perhaps those things that have been out of kilter for some time or what we would like to be different. It can be the same with our health and after the Christmas indulgence, New Year can be an opportunity to reassess ourselves, our general wellbeing and lifestyle and consider what we may like to do differently or change.

Homeopathy is holistic; it considers the whole person and not just the physical symptoms, using natural remedies to encourage the body’s natural healing processes to heal itself. Patients experiencing a whole range of conditions and emotional states can find homeopathy beneficial, and many people feel that homeopathy helps them cope with, and adapt to, life’s various challenges. Homeopathy can also help to reduce the chance of us slipping back into old and familiar patterns of ill health that no longer serve us.

So, what better time to look differently at your health and what that means for you and your wellbeing than the New Year? I offer the opportunity to embark on a healing journey using homeopathic remedies and flower essences to enable clients to rebalance their dis-ease or symptoms they are experiencing. I see the remedies as the tools for initiating change and restoring balance in the physical, mental and emotional spheres. I use Bush Flower and Alaskan Essences as a support to the remedies and find they are very helpful during times of transition or change.

If you would like to experience homeopathy, I am offering a £5 discount on a first consultations booked by the end of January for appointments in January or February.


Liz is insightful and caring and the remedies have had a really positive effect on my health and well-being”


“Liz is great at getting to the heart of what’s wrong and has a gentle, non-judgemental manner and great empathy”


“When treated by Liz you get individual attention, remedies tailored to suit you and your particular needs and I feel fundamentally changed by the therapy she provides”


Liz North LCHom MARH is a registered Homeopath with the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths and is available afternoons at Physio and Therapies on 01706 816494.

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