Gestalt Therapy There are a some things in Gestalt therapy that are different from most other types of counselling and psychotherapy: Gestalt is relational: Many therapies emphasise the importance of the relationship (sometimes called the alliance) between the client and the therapist. Gestalt goes a step further than most. If that is where your interest is, then a Gestalt therapist…
This is a guest post by Jay Hellings, one of our therapists. Saint Valentine’s day is coming up. Your feelings about that might not be simple and might not even be positive. If that’s so then you are not alone. If you do look forward to Valentine’s day then I’m not here to rain on your parade and I’m not…
This is a guest post by Jay Hellings, one of our therapists. When you are worried about a person you care about, it can sometimes be difficult to have a conversation with them about how they are. There are lots of reasons for that. – We might feel like it’s none of our business, that we would be prying…
This is a guest post by Jay Hellings, one of our therapists. What is shame? Shame is the hide-yourself-away emotion. It’s what you feel when you believe that you are unacceptable to other people. It might happen after you do something that you decide was awful, but it’s fundamentally about how you feel about yourself, not the thing you did.…
Hypnotherapy is scientifically proven to alleviate symptoms and to empower clients to control symptoms of the menopause. • Hot flashes • Disturbed sleep patterns • Anxiety and Depression • Mood swings • Night sweats • Lowered libido Recent studies have shown that Hypnotherapy helps perimenopausal and menopausal women to alleviate symptoms and to acquire some control over them. This particular…

How to Have a Good Posture (and Why You Should Care) We’ve probably all been told to “stand up straight, shoulders back, don’t slouch” at some point in our lives. What we may not realise, is how damaging a bad posture can be not only to our physical health but in many other aspects of our mental health and wellbeing,…
With 15 million people visiting their GP each year complaining of back pain and 150 million working days lost each year in the UK due to back pain, getting prompt assessment and effective treatment for back problems is key to a fast recovery.
Back pain can be debilitating and very scary, but the good news is that most episodes of back pain resolve quickly. If however the pain hasn’t settled within two weeks research suggests that assessment and treatment by a Physical therapist is recommended.
Citrus aurantium var. Amara Oil: Neroli also known as Orange Flower oil. Extraction: Steam distillation of flowers from the Bitter Orange Tree. Grown: France and Tunisia are said to produce the highest quality of trees and so highest quality of oils. Scent: sweet, honeyed, metallic with green and spicy facets. Chemistry: Linalool – 34%, Linalyl acetate-6-17%, among many others…