• Massage is a natural therapy and has probably been used since the origins of mankind.
• It was the principal method of treatment of most musculoskeletal injuries for thousands of years.
• Even in recent times with the advances of modern medicine and physiotherapy, massage still has an important and unique role to play in preventing injury, treating injury, and recuperation after injury.
• Massage is the often most effective way of treating tension in muscles.
• It is the best method of treatment for many minor problems.
• When used in conjunction with another therapy – such as physiotherapy – massage can help to speed recovery from injury.
• Massage has many benefits both physical and psychological.
• The fact that it works on many levels in a unique way to suit the individual way is what makes massage such a versatile and effective treatment method.
• A massage can be light or deep, soothing or stimulating, using pain-relieving techniques and stretches as part of the treatment if appropriate.
Holistic Massage and Sports Massage differ in their emphasis and approach and massage therapists may be trained in one or both of these disciplines.
Broadly speaking,
HOLISTIC MASSAGE is aimed primarily at inducing deep relaxation and the wide-ranging physiological benefits this can bring, whereas
SPORTS MASSAGE is aimed more specifically towards the musculoskeletal system with a view to preventing and treating injuries.
Appointments can be made for 30 minutes, 60 minutes or 90 minutes.
Ideally, the initial appointment should be for at least 60 minutes so that there is adequate time for a consultation and discussion prior to the Massage.
We do recommend and encourage clients to book for at least 60 minutes if possible, if it is their first appointment for a Massage Treatment with us.
• This is to enable the Therapist to listen, ask questions and make a thorough assessment of the treatment needed, and
then to give the massage treatment, in a calm and unhurried way.
• There may also be need for discussion after the Massage Treatment, possibly to assess results of treatment or to make recommendations for your self-care and possible follow-up treatments.
Thereafter, appointments may be for 30 minutes, 60 minutes, or 90 minutes.
As a guide, we find that
30 minute appointments are suitable for the treatment of specific areas, such as
• back & shoulders & neck massage, or
• legs & feet massage, or
• neck, scalp and face massage.
60 minute appointments give time for:
• greater depth of relaxation, and
• a “full body” massage (see below), or
• a more thorough treatment of particular problem areas than there is time for in a 30 minute appointment.
90 minute appointments are for a truly relaxing “full body” massage including:
• back, neck & shoulders
• legs & feet
• arms & hands
• Scalp & face
• Diaphragm area – if wanted.
• It is best not to eat a meal within 2 hours before your massage
• Do make sure you are adequately hydrated before your massage – although for your own comfort it’s probably best not to drink too much water just before your appointment!
• Try to plan enough time to appreciate your massage – physically and mentally and emotionally. If you arrive “in a rush” you might find that you are tense and uncomfortable – the aim of the massage is to relax your tension, but you might find it difficult to “let go” of tension if your head is swirling with all the things you meant to do on the way here. Likewise, if you have to rush off afterwards into a hectic schedule, you might find it difficult to relax during your treatment. Then again, you might not – some people just have the happy knack of being able to “switch off at the drop of a hat”. And one of the benefits of regular massage is that this “switching off” becomes progressively easier.
• It is likely that you will feel quite relaxed after your Massage Treatment – and it is possible that you will feel extremely relaxed. Please bear this in mind when you are planning the rest of your day – and, in particular, when you are planning your journey home.
Clothing – what (not) to wear:
• You will not want to risk traces of oil on a fragile or particularly special item of clothing when you get dressed after your massage, so wear something that is comfortable – and washable – if this is possible. (This is a minor point, but one worth making because people sometimes wonder…Your therapist will not leave you “slathered in oil” after your massage – we aim to use just enough oil for your treatment, and our base-oils are plant-based oils which are easily absorbed by the skin.)
• You do not need to wear shorts for a holistic massage – although you may wish to wear shorts for a sports massage.
This is because when you receive holistic massage you will generally be lying fairly still, and the parts of your body not being massaged will be covered with large towels.
When you have a sports massage, on the other hand, there may be more changes of position for the purpose of assessment and treatment.
How will I feel after my massage treatment?
• As we have said, you will probably feel relaxed!
• You may well find that you are also energized – although this is not always the case.
• If you were very fatigued before your massage, you might feel very sleepy afterwards. This can occur even if you weren’t feeling tired before your massage – you may have been “buzzing” but in fact “running on empty”.
Please be aware that if this is the case, you are likely to feel sleepy afterwards. This is all to the good if you can time your treatment to be followed by a time when you can rest and allow the massage to complete its regenerative work.
• When you have had deep tissue massage treatment for muscular tensions and “knots”, you can usually expect the muscles to continue to “unwind” and relax over the next hours or days – provided you can avoid any activity which would aggravate your condition.
• Try to avoid strenuous muscular activity following a deep tissue (sports) massage:
• DON’T do a strenuous workout at the gym, for example
• DON’T carry heavy bags, or attempt to move furniture
• DON’T go straight back to the painting and decorating…
All this of course is presuming you live in that ideal world…. It’s just advice, they are just suggestions. To get the most benefit from your massage, follow them as much as you can.
• DO follow the “After Care Advice” given to you by your therapist. We aim to give you guidance which is relevant and helpful to you in your own unique life and circumstances, to help you to get the most from your treatments.
We look forward to meeting you and playing our part to the benefit of your good health.