Many of our Physiotherapists have specialist skills in the diagnosis and treatment of back and neck pain. As clinical specialists we are able to give you a full assessment of your problem and will be able to tell you what is causing your symptoms as well as how we can help you to ease them and get back to a normal life.
We use manual techniques including manipulation and mobilisation to restore joint movements and ease pain. We are also very interested in your biomechanics – how your body functions as a whole – and the role this plays in your problem. We have many years experience working with muscles to restore dynamic balance and help you support your joints properly minimising wear and tear and helping you to move efficiently and with less pain.
Sometimes we need to use strapping tape to either support a body area or encourage a muscle to work properly – but this is a short term measure and we rarely repeat this more than a few times – by the time we have done that your body is on the road to recovery and your muscles will be supporting you better themselves!
These treatments can effectively treat pain that has been present for a few days or for many years. We firmly believe that you shouldn’t just accept pain as normal – we can do so much to help!
Exercise forms a very important part of our treatment – expect to leave with at least two exercises to perform at home – this is an essential part of your recovery. At each appointment we will check and progress your exercises until your body is functioning much more normally.
We sell a range of lumbar supports, neck pillows, heat packs, massage balls and other rehabilitation equipment to patients and members of the public. Please enquire about these at reception.
If your pain is so bad that you struggle on stairs please mention this to our reception staff when you book your appointment to ensure they reserve you a downstairs Consultation room.